Sunday, April 25, 2010

Chuck Hughes Scam Fraud Trading And Options by Chuck Hughes

Chuck Hughes Scam, Fraud, Trading and Options:

How do investors and traders cope with a market that has fallen more than 40% in just one year and survive until greener pastures return?

The Chuck Hughes Options program trades both call and put options. Put options allow you to profit as stocks decline in price and allow you to profit in bear markets
. According to Chuck Hughes trading more and more put option buying is migrating from your trading or play money account to your serious trading or investment account. Why not expand your investment horizons to profit during bear markets? The Chuck Hughes options trading program has produced a long history of actual trading profits during bear markets. This is not a Chuck Hughes fraud but a legitimate way to profit during down markets.

Chuck Hughes option trading includes call and put option purchases and option spreads. Call options are purchased on undervalued stocks in a price up trend and put options are purchased on stocks in a price down trend. Investors can log on to to obtain six years of profit results assuring investors that this is not a Chuck Hughes scam.

Chuck Hughes GPS, Review, Advisory and Inner Circle:

Investors should always review the actual track record of a trading program before purchasing the program. There is a Chuck Hughes review available by logging on to which lists Chuck Hughes option and Chuck Hughes GPS advisory actual trading results.

The Can help you achieve a Chuck Hughes GPS goal of at least a 3 to 1 Profit to Loss Ratio (Our results = 22 to 1 Profit to Loss Ratio)

Chuck Hughes GPS, Review, Advisory and Inner Circle:

The Chuck Hughes GPS system is a trend following system that trades diverse global stock and option markets. All recommended trading signals are posted on a Members Only' proprietary web page enabling members to benefit from the continued success of the global trend following stock and option strategies. This trend identification in diverse global markets has resulted in a consistent flow of trading profits from long and short trades.

Author: Chuck Hughes

Claim And Commit To Your Financial Goal by Truly Rich Sales TM

I know that this may seem as a "non-contributor" in a financial planning guide lesson but I want to clarify this issue and how it relates to our financial life.

We often relate financial freedom o having lots of money, or how much money a person earns, spends, his cars, etc..... So in a natural way, we relate wealth to the amount of money a person has in his bank account.
For most people, if you don't have a big house, don't drive a Jaguar, or don't have the latest cellphone then you are not rich.

The problem with this kind of thinking is that we Filipinos have acquired an attitude towards how we view a person's financial life. Often when we set our financial goal, we only see the money involve and fail to realize that having money is just an external thing. (I know this is financial planning guide lessons so I should be talking about money, just wait for my punch line).

What do I mean by an external thing?

I actually believe that a person has two kinds of environment, his external and internal environment. (This was also mentioned by my mentor Bo Sanchez)

An external environment is where you are physically, how your life is currently doing, the situation you are currently in - in simple terms it is the NOW of your life.

An internal environment is your internal thinking, your view in your life, your values, - in simple terms your CPU (the main internal system of a computer). This environment will define your actual reactions to real-life situations that happens in your life.

Now that we understand both, what in the world does this have to do with financial freedom viewed as having lots of money?

The answer to that question is - EVERYTHING

Your internal environment will be the key to attaining your financial goal. In committing and claiming your financial goal, you must not only view your goal as an amount of money that you want to attain but a financial plan that you follow religiously.

Focusing on money alone is not a strong enough reason to attain your financial goal. You must commit to a dream, a financial plan, a love you want to pursue, etc....

Find the reasons why you want financial freedom and remind yourself of it everyday. Touch it in your thoughts, feel in your thoughts, envision it in your mind (that's what I call a healthy internal environment).

Now you go and apply this financial planning guide in your life right away.

Author: Truly Rich Sales TM

5 Tips To Create A Smart Debt Management Plan by Titus Hardin

When you enroll with a Debt Management Plan, your credit card debt and other unsecured debt are consolidated into one monthly payment. A DMP negotiates with your creditors to reduce or freeze your interest rates, waive late fees, and make your monthly payments within your budget allowing you to repay debts quicker than you would otherwise have been able to. To get the best out of your DMP, you have to be committed to the entire process faithfully. Here are 5 tips to help you get the best out of your debt management plan.

1. Choose the right DMP for you
Be careful in making your choice of a DMP. There are lots of debt management agencies and quite number are into credit scams. Check with the better business bureau in your state to ensure the DMP is accredited and there are no complaints lodged against the agency. Go for free credit counseling to get professional advice on the best strategy to use for your debt management plan. When you have decided on a reputable Debt, management agency, ask a lot of question to be sure of what you are getting into.

2. Get everything in writing
Do not make any verbal agreements with the DMP agents. Let the DMP contract be clearly spelt out and dully signed especially the monthly payments, fees and the duration of the DMP. Agree to only monthly payments that you can meet up with. Defaulting on payments can ruin the whole process. Check the fine print very carefully.

3. Call and confirm your creditors approval of the program
Withouit your creditors approval of the debt management plan, the plan cannot work. Therefore make sure everyone of your creditors have signed to the program before you start making payments to the agency.

4. Do not default
As already mentioned above, the debt management program depends on your making a single regular monthly payment to your DMP who now pays your creditors accordingly. Most creditors use the first 3-4 months to test whether you will be consistent with your payments. If you default, they may opt out of the program. Do your best to pay regularly
and on time. If you are going to be late, call your DMP to inform your creditors.

5. Follow up and keep checking
Call your creditors every month to check that payments have been made to them. Ask for monthly statements from your DMP and cross-check every payment. Check your credit card and loan statements to make sure they reflect the terms of the DMP agreement. Make sure everything stated in the contract is being done. Keep copies of every document in case any dispute arises.

Author: Titus Hardin

Successful Online Fx Trading Forex Systems That Work by Avery Mann

Unlike stocks or futures, there's no centralized exchange for Forex, so all transactions happen via phone or electronic network. That electronic network path is the reason for the current astounding day trader like mentality, and also the reason that perhaps you are reading this in the first place. Your computer allows you to tap into the FX market, and take advantage of fact that it does indeed trade 24 hours. With average daily turnover of US$3.2 trillion, forex is without a doubt the most traded market in the world. Starting Sunday 5:00 P.M. ET to Friday 5:00 P.M. ET, forex trading begins in Sydney, and moves around the globe as the business day begins, first to Tokyo, London, and New York. So trading currencies is unlike other financial markets, because investors can respond immediately to currency fluctuations, whenever they occur - day or night. For a long time the foreign exchange market has been one of the financial world's best kept secrets. It was mostly the playground for large banks, corporations and hedge fund managers.

Because of automated software platforms currency traders cannot only compete with the pros, they can use these robots 24 hours a day. With the right platform Forex day trading can seem almost like a vacation for the trader who is use to dealing with other financial products in other markets. Not only are there less governing bodies to deal with, it means less binding rules and regulations to pay heed to when making your trades as well. For instance, in the Forex world, there is no such thing as "insider trading." If you know something either harmful or beneficial to the exchange rate of the Euro, then feel free to capitalize on that information at will. The equivalent information at the stock exchange, might very well lead to an investigation by the SEC. Always keep in mind that 95% of currency trades are speculative. What that means is that this is a very risky venture. Without correct and through training and the right kind of software to trade on, you can very easily lose your investment. The proper program will make it virtually impossible for major trading blunders to occur.

These programs can be set to scan the market looking for the origins of profitable trends. Once it has found what it deems as a reliable trading opportunity, it invests accordingly. The fact that because they are entirely automated and digital, these robots can react to changes faster than a human trader, and thus know exactly what to look for. It will follow the trades performance along in the market step by step minute by minute with the purpose being of keeping you on the money earning side of that trade for as long as possible. You are always shielded from losing your investment because, once the market fluctuates out of your favor as it will inevitably and eventually do, the program trades away the now bad investment. They not only offer live streaming technical data, but you can view real-time prices in 37 currency pairs and spot gold. Also you can execute market orders with just one mouse click and choose from eight available order types.

Remember we are trading currency, which is vulnerable to political and economic news, so all of the platforms have access to view up to the minute news headlines and market commentary. To be affective the platform should meet at least a minimum of three qualifications.

1. It must be able to offer live streaming technical data. (Otherwise the program is merely educational)

2 Visually it has to be large enough for all the data to be seen easily. (Many of the online brokerages technical data are too small to be useful)

3. It must be cost effective. (Most good systems can be purchased for between one and two hundred dollars)
Author: Avery Mann

Interest Rate - The Lifeline Of A Country's Economy by Acheson Scott

An interest rate is the price a borrower pays to the lender for using his money for a specific purpose. The rates are usually calculated on a monthly basis. However, they are expressed as percentage rates calculated over the period of one year.

Effects Of A Fluctuating Rate Of Interest On The Economy:

Typically, banks and government financial institutions set rates of interest. They vary from country to country, and as such, the rates are guided by the performance of financial sectors and money markets. The inflationary tendencies of a market are one of the principle causes. The risk associated with the lending process is another reason why lending rates fluctuate. There is always an inherent fear that the borrower may go bankrupt, or make deferred payment, which can affect the earning potential of the lender. To cover such occurrences, they may charge higher rates of lending. Thus, interest rate comparison must be done but it is not that easy. It is periodically affected by Constant minor changes, and many other factors.

Additionally, the lender prefers that his resources be available to him immediately when the need arises. Lending blocks the availability of funds for a decided period. The lender may also have to pay taxes for the profits earned from lending business. To compensate the losses due to tax, he may lend money at a higher rate. But it is important for borrowers to go for interest rate comparison.

A bank interest rate is the rate charged by a country's federal bank on loans and advances to control money supply in the banking sector. This also helps in controlling the economy and stabilizing the country's exchange rates. Even a slight fluctuation in bank rates impacts every aspect of the country's economy. For example, the stock markets' indices can react very sharply, even to small changes in the rate of interest. The changes in rates can also affect the mortgage rate because of the long-term effect that it can have on the sums loaned. Thus, interest rate comparison is a must

Types Of Rate Of Interest:

Interest rates are of two types, namely simple and compound. Simple interest is the interest paid on the amount loaned, also known as Principle amount, or on that portion of the amount that remains unpaid. Compound interest is similar, but different in the way the interest amount is calculated. The balance interest amount is added to the money due to be paid. Over a period of time the interest can become larger and beyond manageable proportions, if payments or installments are not paid on time.

In addition to the above, there are fixed and floating rates of interest. Rates that do not change over the term of the loan are called fixed rates. Floating rate is charged when the rates are changeable at any point in time during the loan term. Banks usually charge a combination of two types of loans with the initial periods in the fixed mode, and the subsequent part of the term under the flexible rate system. Author: Acheson Scott

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Forex No Loss Robot Making Zero Losses by Marie Stevens

Whenever you get bad news, something is usually wrong. But how can it be a bad thing if a no loss forex robot really never loses any trades? Why would it be so bad if all of us regular guys never lose trades? If you could go to sleep at night with confidence that when you wake up in the morning, all you have to do is check and see how much money the No Loss Robot has made you, how great would that feel? So how can it be that the No Loss Forex Robot is a bad thing?

No Loss Robot creates a unique opportunity for both new and seasoned traders who want to earn more, but don't have all the time to devote to a 24/7, 5 days a week business.

The demands of the Forex trading is extremely intense, and leaves very little space for anything else. Why do you think Forex traders are smokers, drinkers, and either overweight or underweight?

Forex trading is a zero-sum game just as other forms of investment are. A zero-sum game means that when you make money, someone has to lose it. To put it another way, for every dollar you lose, it ends up in the accounts of the big investor's. If you do happen to make a few dollars, it'll come from some other poor guy who is constantly losing or else from the accounts of one of the "big boy" investors who are in control. And they are not in it to pay you!

If some small investors learn their hedge trading method and manage to turn it to their own advantage and make money...even if it's a lot of money...they don't even bat an eye. After all, BILLIONS and BILLIONS are traded in the forex markets on a daily basis. If a small percentage of smart traders somehow learn the same hedging system that have been filling the coffers of the fat cats for years and manage to make a few million, it isn't enough of a reason for them to take any action to change things.

The magic starts to happen, and the dollars starts to flow because the No Loss Robot is designed by computer and Forex experts alike. They have taken into consideration the different trends, and have mathematically calculated the ratios for you.

Casinos have already changed their rules a few times. The "big boys" who control the markets with the amount of money they can put in are like the Vegas casinos. They will want to keep the rules as they are now in order to preserve their advantages over the rest of us.

So if a trading tool exists that will take away their advantage they have in the markets and erode their profits, they will absolutely react and change the rules. Though it may sound like some conspiracy theory, something like the No Loss Robot could absolutely be a game changer.

Author: Marie Stevens

The Forex Cash Robot Gets Introduced To The Market by Kendra Lackey

It only gets better - automated Forex trading software has been around for quite a while. The old software seems amateur compared to what is being released today. Take for example, the latest automated Forex software to be launched, the Forex Cash Rocket.

In the automated Forex trading software business, there are so many different software to choose from. At present, the Forex Cash Rocket is getting a lot of attention because it is new.

For example, Forex Cash Rocket uses a series of applications, and does not rely on just one. It has the NAMA technology which is an application that allows a software to work with different programs like cashless system, remote monitoring, and vending. This means that over a long period of time, your software will still be current because of the standard interface and similar data files.

It's just like driving. If you're tired, you'll make mistakes like wide turns and sudden stops. People need their rest. What makes Forex traders different from any other business is that it is a market that works 24/7 for 5 straight days! Who can work at that pace for a prolonged period of time without making errors? Very few.

Forex Cash Rocket works. It's created by people who have been in the business. They know what the Forex trading industry is like, and have intimate knowledge that may not even be available to regular guys who just want to make a buck.

Finally, this software has the Market Extrapolator, which allows the software to adapt to the situation. It does not rely solely on what its historical data says, but keeps a close eye on the current trends, and makes adjustments when necessary.

Of course, no automated Forex trading software will work properly unless it can be applied anywhere in the world, and this one does it perfectly. So, no matter where you travel to, or where you live, Forex Cash Rocket can be there to help you. It even comes with a money back refund if you fail to realize your investment's true potential.

In summary, the Forex Cash Rocket will allow you to earn without having to stick close by to a computer; it works while you sleep; you don't have to be an experienced Forex trader to start a forex trading business; and you can profit very well, whatever your experience is.

Author: Kendra Lackey