Sunday, April 25, 2010

Claim And Commit To Your Financial Goal by Truly Rich Sales TM

I know that this may seem as a "non-contributor" in a financial planning guide lesson but I want to clarify this issue and how it relates to our financial life.

We often relate financial freedom o having lots of money, or how much money a person earns, spends, his cars, etc..... So in a natural way, we relate wealth to the amount of money a person has in his bank account.
For most people, if you don't have a big house, don't drive a Jaguar, or don't have the latest cellphone then you are not rich.

The problem with this kind of thinking is that we Filipinos have acquired an attitude towards how we view a person's financial life. Often when we set our financial goal, we only see the money involve and fail to realize that having money is just an external thing. (I know this is financial planning guide lessons so I should be talking about money, just wait for my punch line).

What do I mean by an external thing?

I actually believe that a person has two kinds of environment, his external and internal environment. (This was also mentioned by my mentor Bo Sanchez)

An external environment is where you are physically, how your life is currently doing, the situation you are currently in - in simple terms it is the NOW of your life.

An internal environment is your internal thinking, your view in your life, your values, - in simple terms your CPU (the main internal system of a computer). This environment will define your actual reactions to real-life situations that happens in your life.

Now that we understand both, what in the world does this have to do with financial freedom viewed as having lots of money?

The answer to that question is - EVERYTHING

Your internal environment will be the key to attaining your financial goal. In committing and claiming your financial goal, you must not only view your goal as an amount of money that you want to attain but a financial plan that you follow religiously.

Focusing on money alone is not a strong enough reason to attain your financial goal. You must commit to a dream, a financial plan, a love you want to pursue, etc....

Find the reasons why you want financial freedom and remind yourself of it everyday. Touch it in your thoughts, feel in your thoughts, envision it in your mind (that's what I call a healthy internal environment).

Now you go and apply this financial planning guide in your life right away.

Author: Truly Rich Sales TM

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